The Touch of Snow Page 5
"There is that. But I mean, vulnerable, in the fact there will be lots of people seeking to take advantage of your powers for their own benefits."
"What, like Jessica just did to help me amplify hers?" Selene asked.
"Something like that."
"You want me to stay here so that you can protect me?"
"If you are in agreement, I believe that to be the best thing." Kas looked around at everyone before settling his piercing stare back on Brayden.
"Am I staying as a prisoner or as a guest?" Selene raised an eyebrow in question.
"You will be an honorary pack member."
Brayden was shocked. Pack membership was normally like pulling teeth with Kas: painful, and it took forever. "What's the game, Kas?"
"There is no game, Brayden. I truly believe Selene to be in danger, and I want to help her."
"If I stay, I want some assurances." Selene’s response was adamant. Brayden could see that she was not going to be fobbed off.
"Tell me?" Kas bowed his head to show he was listening.
"I want freedom of movement. I will not be trapped in that little room while you wait for me to learn to control my powers."
"Of course. I'm sure Brayden will be willing to ensure that is enforced." Brayden nodded his agreement to Kas.
"And secondly, I want meetings set up with these other shifters. If I'm one of them, I want to know everything." Selene’s lips had pursed together to show that she meant business. Brayden liked this display of strength.
"I will get Jessica to arrange it."
Selene turned her attention to his mother. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"
"At the start of the day I wouldn't have been so sure, but right now I believe that this is the safer option. And I have complete faith in Brayden being here as well," Jane replied.
The flicker of determination in Selene’s eyes showed Brayden that she had made her decision. He held his breath.
"Ok, Kas. I will stay."
"You need to move quicker, Selene."
Quicker? What the hell! She was covered in sweat from moving as fast as she could. She ducked a kick that Emma had aimed at her head. It connected with her arm on the way down, causing golden fur to appear before returning to skin. "I'm mostly human remember, not a fucking cat. I don't have freaky abilities like you do."
“If you're part of the pack, then you'll need to fight like us." Brayden was frowning at her supposedly slow movements. He had his arms folded across his chest studying her every move. She jumped back from a fistful of claws that flashed past her face.
"Maybe I should start roaring and rubbing my backside against trees, as well? Show you just how much of a cat I can be."
Emma caught her in the face with the back of her paw, and she tumbled to the ground. Her eyes sparked into a feline's; her vision changing.
"Shit!" At the last minute, she rolled as a newly shifted Emma leaped for her.
Brayden snickered. She wanted more than anything to forget about the powerful lioness and smack him in the face instead. "When I'm done here you're going to owe me!" she growled.
"How do you figure that?"
"Because I'm going to win."
This time he bellowed out his laughter. "If that happens, then I'll be your slave for a month."
She watched as he stood up and shifted into his natural form. She'd once feared him as a snow leopard, but over the last month, she'd begun to find it the most fascinating thing in the world. She'd find herself spending hours just watching him move around. Brayden's distraction allowed Emma to get the better of her and she was pinned to the floor. She hated these lessons.
Being with Jessica was fun, and she enjoyed practicing the spells. She was becoming a little more controlled with them. There had been no more smashed chairs, though there was a rather large hole in the lounge wall where she had sent a ball of energy through it. Luckily, she'd missed Katia who was practicing her yoga exercises on the other side of it.
The fighting, however, was much harder and far more strenuous. They'd discovered that she was stronger than an average human which probably explained how she'd managed to bruise Brayden when she had struck out at him. She had quick reflexes but not as fast as those of the felines. It meant that when she was normally finished with these exercises, she was in dire need of a hot bath and a few strong painkillers.
Zain and Scott joined those watching the training session.
"Come on, Selene." The male lion called out, and Emma hissed at him.
"What? It'd be good to see you flat on your back for once." Brayden leaped at Scott, and the two started to tussle. Zain took a seat and commenced eating from a rather large pot of honey. He wasn't going to exert himself anytime soon. At least not until the pot was quite empty. That was one thing Selene had learned. The felines were full of energy while the bears and the wolf, Tyler, took things at a far more leisurely pace.
Emma, having been distracted by Scott, now refocused her attention on Selene. She lifted one paw and extended her claws. The first to draw blood was considered the victor. It was about to happen again. Her losing. But, that is when she saw it...
Selene disappeared.
Everyone froze, except Emma, who swiped her claws through the now empty muddy ground.
"Selene." Brayden had changed back to his human form. "Where the hell is she? How can she just disappear?"
Zain's nose appeared from the honey pot he had been licking and protectively hugged it to his chest. "If she's after my honey I won't be responsible for my actions."
A naked Selene suddenly appeared, touched Emma to grow claws, and swiped at the lioness' fur. It stained with crimson blood. Selene had won.
She jumped up and down in celebration while Emma collapsed to the floor in defeat.
"How did you do that?" The lioness was stunned.
"Do what?" Selene tried so very hard to look perfectly innocent.
"Disappear!" Brayden pulled on his jeans and shirt while he spoke.
"Oh that. That was nothing, just a little magic."
He growled in response.
"Alright, Mr. Grumpy." She opened her tiny hand to reveal a squashed flea. "I think Emma might need a trip to the vet's."
Everyone collapsed onto the floor in fits of laughter. All except Emma, who turned bright red.
"You wanted to see me?" Jessica knocked on Kas’ door and entered.
"Come in. How was the meeting?"
"It went well. I've got some reference books for Selene to help her understand and control the magic. How has she been?"
"She is experimenting more."
"Any control?"
"Not really. We've had lots of mishaps when she has been touched."
"She should be controlling her powers more by now."
"That is what I thought." Kas turned to a picture on his wall. Why did he still have it? It would be easier to just throw it in the bin or burn it, but somehow, he could never bring himself to do it.
Jessica must have followed his gaze. "The longer she has no control, the more dangerous she is to us all. Especially if Nuka finds her."
"He will come for her."
"What should we do?
"I've asked Brayden to double his guard. Take it in turns with Scott, Emma, and Tyler to ensure she is never alone."
"How has she taken that?"
"She was a bit confused when she was asked to move into Emma's room, so Emma could do the night shift, but she did not argue. I just don't trust my brother. I know Nuka is plotting something. He's too quiet."
Kas sat back in his chair. "Brayden seems to be able to talk her into accepting our conditions."
"They appear to be getting very close." The concern was evident on the witch’s face.
"They are. I was a little concerned at first, but it is good for Brayden."
"Do you think they are mates?" Jessica asked.
"I don't
believe they can be anything until she learns to control her powers. There is a bond developing though. You saw him when he warned us she was his to protect."
"I did. Kas, there was something else. The Council gave me a spell to bind Selene's powers. Should we do it? Until we can work on the control."
He got up and went to the window. All the others had disappeared except for Selene and Brayden. Brayden had plastic gloves on and was rubbing cream over Selene's bruises. Their eyes met. He put his hand over a bruise, bent, and kissed it.
Brayden was a solitary animal. To share space with someone was against his very nature, but lately, Kas had noticed that every moment they seemed to be together.
The growing affection between them was evident despite their inability to touch skin to skin.
"I think we should leave things the way they are for now."
"You sure?"
"Selene has come to us for a reason. We need to work on her control issues. Once we find the key to that, in any coming storm that we have to survive, she will give us a distinct advantage."
"I will accept your instruction. I just hope it is the right one." He knew the witch was worried. He was as well. He took one final look out of the window. Brayden helped Selene to her feet, her hands wrapped in long black gloves that she had taken to wearing. They strolled off together.
"So do I."
"Are you warm enough?" Brayden held another blanket out to Selene.
"Thank you." She still felt cold up in the mountains.
After the fight this morning, Emma had decided she needed to prove her worth. Selene, Scott, and Brayden had followed the lioness up the mountain. Emma's only interest was finding something, anything bigger than a goat and bringing it down for dinner.
They'd lit a fire and had a pan heating so whatever they caught Selene would be able to eat as well.
"I smell something. I think it's a bighorn. Let's go." Emma was shifted and ready before any of them could answer.
"You go, Scott. I'll stay with Selene."
"I was kind of hoping I could stay with Selene. It took it out of me walking up that mountain."
"No." Brayden glared at the lion. Selene tried to suppress her laugh.
Scott got to his feet and stomped off. She was pretty certain she heard him mumbling something about horny cats.
Selene took out a stick to prod the fire. "Did you bring s’mores?"
"Is that a serious question?"
"Let's just say we’re not chocolate people."
"That's it. I'm going back to California. You people are crazy. You make me fight all day and then don't give me chocolate to say you’re sorry." She gave a fake pout.
"I'll go to the shops and get you lots of chocolate tomorrow. What else is in a s’more?"
She couldn't help it. He looked so serious, about making sure she was happy, and she'd been teasing him. She rested her hand against his chest. He had a lightweight sweater on so their flesh did not touch. She let out a long breath.
"If I could tickle you right now I would." Brayden froze the second the words had left his mouth.
"I wish you could."
Selene had never wanted someone to touch her as much as she wished he could. He lifted his hand to her face and then stopped.
“Touch me,” she pleaded.
She shut her eyes and an image of them writhing naked together flashed into her brain.
"I should go help Emma if we want to eat tonight. I'll send Scott back." When she opened her eyes, Brayden was already on the other side of the fire, his t-shirt over his head. He went for the button on his jeans but stopped and looked back at her. She couldn't take her eyes off him.
"Please." She sounded so tiny when she spoke.
"Selene." Brayden couldn’t take his eyes off her chocolate orbs glistening with unshed tears. Selene’s eyes lowered down his body to his jean clad groin. His breath faltered and his cock hardened. She wanted to see him naked, not for shifting purposes but for the man that he was.
"Please." She was pleading.
He undid the buttons and lowered the jeans down his marble thighs; his magnificent cock sprung hard from his jeans. The tip was glistening in the moonlight with pre-cum. He was hard for her. He wrapped his hand around his length and started to stroke it. She followed unblinkingly. He was getting faster and faster. His breath hitched every time his hand slid over the end. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She bit her lip.
"Stop me." His voice was strained; he was doing the pleading this time.
"No. I want this." she replied honestly.
He threw his head back and let out a long moan as he came. His essence was squirting into his other hand. It was the single most heavenly sight she'd ever seen.
Swirls of dark clouds formed overhead; a storm would arrive soon. Selene did not mind though, as in California she had rarely seen clouds. The first time it had rained she'd run outside and stood looking skyward. The downpour had drenched her so much so, that when Brayden found her, she had been shivering uncontrollably in the cold Montana air.
She thought she should probably head back, but her feet appeared to be rooted to the spot. Brayden would just have to warm her up. They were getting really close, and she knew she was developing feelings for him. She knew they were building up into something serious; especially after the incident up in the mountains. Many a time, they'd been millimeters from kissing only to realize that doing so would lead to her shifting at a most inappropriate and extremely frustrating time. She really wished she had more control over her powers, but nothing seemed to work. It was exhausting.
No one seemed to understand how she, or anyone for that matter, needed skin on skin touch. They all had it. She couldn’t have something so fundamental to life and it was debilitating. Hopefully, she could figure it out, the sooner, the better. It was not only exhausting but bloody frustrating as well. She wanted so much to be able to explore a normal relationship with Brayden without the accompanying side effect that included growing a tail. It was a little inconvenient, mildly put.
The first few spots of rain started to fall. A rustling in the bushes broke her reverie and drew her attention. The white paw of a polar bear appeared as it lumbered out of the shadows. She'd learned that polar bears had special feet which meant that walking was very hard work. She'd studied Kas a few times in his human form, and sometimes the labored step could be seen there as well.
"Hello, Kas."
The bear nodded in her direction as it sat in front of her and cleaned a paw. She was always a bit nervous of Kas, but he seemed relaxed today as he settled at her feet and continued to clean his paw.
"Been hunting?"
The bear nodded. The others seemed able to communicate in animal form, but this time Selene was already feeling as if she was having a one-way conversation.
"I see why it is necessary to have property in the middle of nowhere. Besides, it is a beautiful location."
The bear scratched behind his ear.
"Do you want me to find you some clothes so you can shift?"
The bear growled.
"Maybe I'll head back to the house." This time he shifted his weight and held out a paw. The rain was falling heavily now, and her little jacket wouldn't protect her much longer. "You want me to shift? I suppose I'll get less wet and be able to move more quickly. I'll need to keep a touch on you at all times. It's just that I haven't really changed fully since the incident with the flea."
The paw waved again.
She reached out and touched the bear. Her entire body shifted to grow fur and change into the animal before her. She felt no pain as she shifted, it was as if her body was meant to do it. Transformation completed, she looked around and gave a little growl. It felt good, she felt alive.
The rain pelted down but her fur-covered body did not feel it. She took a step forward and tumbled to the ground. Kas was still touching her. It was difficult adjusting to four le
gs when two was the norm. She laughed inwardly, but it still came out as some strange bear noise, sort of a cross between a growl and a snicker. This, trying to be an animal, was going to take some getting used to. She would have to practice with Brayden; Kas was too scary. Mind you, today he seemed to be having an exceptionally chilled day. Maybe he was drunk?
The bushes parted again, and a snarling pair of felines came out of them. Brayden and Emma, in shifted form, tails thickly agitated in anger and heir fur primed for attack. Did they not recognize her? Surely that scent thing, they were always talking about, was still showing the second bear was her. After all, she wasn't a different person, just a different shape. Kas strengthened his grip on her. Brayden's growl deepened; his stance was ready to fight.
Tyler and Zain appeared next, shifted and ready to fight, also. The bushes crashed apart to reveal Kas in human form. He immediately moved in front of Brayden and Emma and stood in the front of the line of shifted clan members.
"Let her go Nuka. You know you will not be able to leave this land with her. She needs permanent touch to stay shifted," Kas commanded. Nuka? Who the hell was Nuka? "Let her go, and we will let you leave without a problem."
Brayden bared his sharply fanged teeth more.
"Brayden. No." Kas' order stopped the snow leopard, but she could see his desperation to get to her.
The world began to change again. Fur receded to be replaced with human skin. She realized the bear had let her go. Even before she was on her feet she was crawling, as quickly as she could, towards Brayden, already in human form, to take her into his care and protection.
She looked back at the polar bear who had held her. "Brother," Nuka called.
"You have a wolf, a bear, and a lioness ready to pounce on you. I suggest you remain where you are."
Nuka looked at the primed pack. "I take your point."
"Why are you here?" Kas queried
"I wanted to see the new shifter who is causing waves in our world."
"You should have made an appointment."
"Really? You would have shown her off?" Sarcasm dripped from Nuka’s reply
"When she is ready, yes."